Friday 4 January 2013

Group Discussion - 04/01/13

Today my group and I went back to the drawing board for our final film opening idea. After doing some research by looking in detail at horror film openeings we decided that too much was happening in the film openeing idea we had at first instance and approached the task with different ideas.
At first we started thinking about what type of horror we'd like our film opening to be like we had done before. We thought about doing a more mysterious horror to keep viewers in suspense rather than cringing at the picture. The ideas we had ranged from people going missing to numerous hauntings to a creepy doll etc. The doll idea stood out to us more as it seemed more practicle and we were able to think of how to put the film opening together.
We had the idea of two girls for the characters (Chelsea and I; Jodi would be in conrtol of the camera when both characters are on the screen, when only one character or none is shown, each of us will help one another with filming), either good friends or sisters that are dropped off to play in the park; the acting is minimal in this as we want to keep the focus on the doll. We decided that we will be able to film this at the Central Park in Peterborough or the Bourne park as these are in a reasonable distance for each of us. Alsi these parks are in good condition and have plenty of space for different shot angles.The scene in the park is the opening where the doll appears sitting behind a tree, unoticed by the two girls playing. Another way that we thought we could build suspense was by showing and adding sound of a creaking swing, swaying back and forth while hearing the girls faintly laughing and playing in the background. The camera turns to see the girls playing and a traking shot of them running past the swing but this time, the swing isn't empty, the doll appears on it as if someone was pushing it.

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